A Little Background Information About Me

Hello and welcome! My name is Mustafa Al-Tahan. I was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1989. I have been living in Canada since 1996. I maintain a part-time job at a local convenience store called Rabba Fine Foods, while attending college. Like any other 20 year old out there, I like to spend a lot of my free time either playing video games or with my friends. In addition, I also love to play guitar. I currently own 2 guitars, an electric guitar made by Ibanez (IBART-500) and an acoustic made by Takamine. I also do my best to try to stay up to date with the new and more advanced technologies. Despite the fact that I currently only make an insignificant $400 a month, I never hesitate to blow it all on a new Ipod or computer hardware.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Things I Want To Do In My Lifetime

1.Compose a Song
Many people out there will say that all they want to do in their lives is to travel all over the world, or that they want to own a Ferrari. My main personal ambition, however, is much simpler, and cheaper, then that. All I want to do is compose a song. Although music is just a hobby, it has probably had the most influence on my life. It is more of a therapy then entertainment simply because its main goal is to make you feel what the musician or the composer felt at the time he/she was writing the song. Although that is the goal of all musicians, only a few musicians are skilled enough to actually achieve that goal, and my ambition is to one day have that kind of skill at what I now consider my favorite hobby, playing guitar.

2.Own An Island....Johnny Depp Did It!
Is it expensive? yes it is, very expensive. But if there is anything that the world famous actor, Johnny Depp, has taught me its that owning an island is not impossible. Although I understand that this goal is very unrealistic and rather stupid, the notion of being alone on a small island where only I reside appeals to me.

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