A Little Background Information About Me

Hello and welcome! My name is Mustafa Al-Tahan. I was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1989. I have been living in Canada since 1996. I maintain a part-time job at a local convenience store called Rabba Fine Foods, while attending college. Like any other 20 year old out there, I like to spend a lot of my free time either playing video games or with my friends. In addition, I also love to play guitar. I currently own 2 guitars, an electric guitar made by Ibanez (IBART-500) and an acoustic made by Takamine. I also do my best to try to stay up to date with the new and more advanced technologies. Despite the fact that I currently only make an insignificant $400 a month, I never hesitate to blow it all on a new Ipod or computer hardware.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Technology is a big part of my life. I use it every day, whether I'm listening to my I-pod on the bus to school or updating my blog using my computer. As we all know, technology is always changing, usually improving, but every once in a while, a new piece of technology would come out that is very different from all the others. According the the Sheridan College textbook called "Experiencing MIS", the an updated and improved piece of technology is called sustaining technologies, while a brand new and innovative machine on the market is called a disruptive technologies. One example of a disruptive technology that has and that I use on a daily basis is the CD drive. Before the CD drive, computers had to use floppy disks, which could hold a much smaller amount of information, and would take longer to transfer information to and from. However, about 10 years ago, the CD, and the CD drive were introduced, and have since made the floppy disk obsolete. The CD drive is disruptive because it doesn't get improved very often. It's job is to change information on a CD into something that we can read, all that has changed about it in the last 1o years is how fast a person can put information onto a CD through the CD drive.

The fact is, everyone uses sustainable technology a lot more then they use disruptive technology. One example of a sustainable technology which I use is my cellphone. Cellphones are probably the fastest machines that get improved. If you buy a cellphone now, it will be obsolete in a matter of months. The cellphone is not a disruptive technology because it didn't replace any other technology when it first came out. Everyone still uses their home phone when they're are at home, but the cellphone allows people the opportunity to communicate with people outside of their homes as well.

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